Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sharon's Spinach and Artichoke Dip

1 cup Parmesan Cheese
1 cup Mayonnaise (be sure not to use light or fat free)
1 14oz can artichoke hearts, chopped and drained
1 8-10oz bag frozen spinach, 1 bag fresh spinach, or 1 bunch fresh spinach washed and chopped
1 Tbsp butter
1 clove garlic, minced

In a medium to large frying pan, sauté garlic with butter for a few minutes. Add chopped spinach and sautée for about 5-10 minutes while it reduces in size.
In a separate bowl mix together Parmesan, mayonnaise and chopped artichoke hearts. Add spinach and mix well. Spread into a glass baking pan 9x13 pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 min. Once baked, keep it warm by putting it into a crock pot on warm. Serve with cut up pieces of baguette or tortilla chips.

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